Rowan-Cabarrus Foundation
Giving Opportunities
Contact the Foundation
Connie Rheinecker
Foundation Director
P.O. Box 1595 Salisbury, NC 28145, 704-216-3485
Planned, Memorial, and Tribute Gifts
The gift of education lasts a lifetime! -Anonymous
As you plan ahead, a gift to the Foundation can be a great way to leave a legacy and extend your reach to future generations forever. Many of us ponder the idea of immortality, but know it’s not a reality. Though we think of how our loved ones—children, spouses, grandchildren—will be cared for in the future, we don’t often think about how else to extend our reach to assist others long after we’re gone. The Foundation has significant gratitude for those who have bequeathed a gift to the college in support of education.
Members of the Rowan-Cabarrus Heritage Circle
Mr. and Mrs. David Burke
The Estate of Ms. Lane C. Drye
Ms. Betty McCrary
The Estate of Ervin and Miriam McCulloch
The Estate of Ms. Dora Anna Newton
The Estate of Mr. Arnold Snider
The Estate of Mr. Robert L. Waddell
The Estate of Ms. Edith Walker
Anonymous Member
Memorial and Tribute Gifts
Few gifts make as much of a statement as those given to memorialize or honor someone. Not only do students benefit from the generosity of those who give, but special people are recognized and remembered for lifetimes to come; it’s a double-bonus. Scholarships given in memory of loved ones speak volumes about the values of those we remember. And gifts given to celebrate milestones in someone’s life—a birthday, anniversary, special accomplishment – not only honor the individual, but benefit students at the college whose lives can be profoundly transformed as the recipients of such gifts. The Rowan-Cabarrus Foundation is happy to create special certificates that can be given, in lieu of gifts, to those who are honored through a tribute gift.
For more information about making a Planned, Memorial or Tribute gift, contact the Foundation office at or 704-216-3485.